Lexicon Pamphlet: Gender (in Romanian)

by Jamie Heckert
Genul este un sistem de repartizare în categorii a sinelui și a celorlalți (incluzând corpuri, dorințe, comportamente) care se găsește în fiecare aspect al culturii și al societății, interconectat cu alte categorii și ierarhii (rasă, clasă, sexualitate, vârstă, abilități și multe altele). Numeroase aspecte biologice (de exemplu organele genitale, cromozomii, constituția corpului) sunt interpretate în așa fel încât oamenii sunt incluși în mod natural în una din două categorii: bărbat și femeie. Dar dacă ne uităm mai îndeaproape, s-ar putea să chestionăm natura genului. Biologia, umană sau alta, este minunat de diversă.

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Building a Revolutionary Anarchism

August 13th @ 7pm Red and Black Cafe 400 SE 12th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 How can we build the popularity and influence of anarchist ideas in movements for social and economic justice in the United States? What’s the point in a specifically anarchist organization? … Read more

Unsettling Anarchism: Bringing Decolonization Home

August 17th, 7:30pm @ Red and Black Cafe ~ 400 SE 12th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 RSVP here. Within anarchism, the topic of decolonization has yielded much useful terrain for examining themes like identity and national liberation, solidarity and self-determination, and the right of the … Read more

Red & Black Vienna with Cindy Milstein

This summer, IAS board member Cindy Milstein traveled to Austria to present on her most recent book, Paths Toward Utopia, co-authored with Erik Ruin. She wound up sticking around Vienna for a few weeks, wandering its streets and visually documented its anarchist elements, compiling what … Read more

A Beautiful and Radiant Thing

[youtube=http://youtu.be/zbsXBd5lWTk] Last November, IAS board members Maia Ramnath and Joshua Stephens were interviewed for the Horizontal Power Hour radio show, run out of Wesleyan University, mostly on the topic of anarchism and decolonization. Toward the end of their conversation, the host asked about their relationship … Read more

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  • Info on the Anarchist Interventions book series, with AK Press and the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative
  • Info on our new series of books published in collaboration with AK Press, starting with Octavia’s Brood, Angels with Dirty Faces, and Guerrillas of Desire!
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  • Information about upcoming events sponsored and organized by the IAS.

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