IAS Newsletter, Winter 2014

* Announcing Our 2014 Grantees
* The Next Grant Application Deadline
* Forthcoming issue of Perspectives on Anarchist Theory
* Newest Title in Our Anarchist Interventions Book Series
* Reminder about Our New, Improved IAS Web Site
* Recent IAS Events
* Help Sustain Independent Radical Scholarship
*  *  *
As always, we had a difficult time deciding on our grantees, given that we received many worthy applications for writing and translation projects during each round. But this round was particularly hard: we received a record high of 110 proposals, from across the world and in many languages, compared to the typical 30 to 40 applications. That’s good news in terms of what appears to be a growing commitment to autonomous, politically engaged writing and translating on antiauthoritarian themes as well as from anarchist(ic) perspectives. Sadly, the IAS could only fund four proposals based on our available funds—all the more reason we hope that you’ll consider becoming a monthly sustainer in order for the IAS to grant more awards the next time around (see below).
That said, we’re honored to congratulate the following people on their IAS grant awards! Here’s a glimpse of their upcoming projects:

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IAS Newsletter, Winter 2014

Contents   * Announcing Our 2014 Grantees * The Next Grant Application Deadline * Forthcoming issue of Perspectives on Anarchist Theory * Newest Title in Our Anarchist Interventions Book Series * Reminder about Our New, Improved IAS Web Site * Recent IAS Events * Help … Read more

Kidz City Model

Kidz City Model

China Martens received an IAS writing grant for this project about some evolving strategies that Kidz City Baltimore developed while organizing.  Check it out! 

Recent News

As always, we had a difficult time deciding on our grantees, given that we received many worthy applications for writing and translation projects during each round. We’d like to congratulate all the following people on their IAS grant awards! Here’s a glimpse of their upcoming projects:

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Lexicon Pamphlet: Gender (in Romanian)

by Jamie Heckert
Genul este un sistem de repartizare în categorii a sinelui și a celorlalți (incluzând corpuri, dorințe, comportamente) care se găsește în fiecare aspect al culturii și al societății, interconectat cu alte categorii și ierarhii (rasă, clasă, sexualitate, vârstă, abilități și multe altele). Numeroase aspecte biologice (de exemplu organele genitale, cromozomii, constituția corpului) sunt interpretate în așa fel încât oamenii sunt incluși în mod natural în una din două categorii: bărbat și femeie. Dar dacă ne uităm mai îndeaproape, s-ar putea să chestionăm natura genului. Biologia, umană sau alta, este minunat de diversă.

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Building a Revolutionary Anarchism

August 13th @ 7pm Red and Black Cafe 400 SE 12th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 How can we build the popularity and influence of anarchist ideas in movements for social and economic justice in the United States? What’s the point in a specifically anarchist organization? … Read more

Unsettling Anarchism: Bringing Decolonization Home

August 17th, 7:30pm @ Red and Black Cafe ~ 400 SE 12th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 RSVP here. Within anarchism, the topic of decolonization has yielded much useful terrain for examining themes like identity and national liberation, solidarity and self-determination, and the right of the … Read more