Climate, Capital and Change: Organizing Against Climate Catastrophe

Climate, Capital and Change: Lara and Paul Messersmith-Glavin on Organizing Against Climate Catastrophe

Saturday, June 20th, 3PM Ballard Library, SPL, 5614 22nd Ave NW, Seattle, WA

We all feel it. Climate change is accelerating at a pace faster than almost anyone anticipated. We can do something about it, but it means talking about, and taking on, capitalism. Please join Paul and Lara Messersmith-Glavin for a public lecture followed by a discussion about how to organize against climate catastrophe. Lara and Paul are members of the Institute for Anarchist Studies and the Perspectives on Anarchist Theory collective, and community organizers with the Hella 503 Collective based in Portland, Oregon.
This event is co-sponsored by the Seattle Solidarity Network and the Institute for Anarchist Studies.
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