Video of Lara and Paul Messersmith-Glavin, of the IAS, talking about organizing against climate catastrophe.

Lara and Paul Messersmith-Glavin, of the Institute for Anarchist Studies, the Perspectives journal crew, and the Hella 503 Collective in Portland, Oregon, discuss lessons from a recent grassroots organizing effort against climate change in a working class North Portland neighborhood. Lara and Paul discuss the anti-capitalist assumptions they have, how capitalism intersects with other forms of oppression like patriarchy and racism, and what it’ll take to stop the climate from changing, arguing that the climate crisis offers an opportunity to fundamental transform society.

The talk, at Oregon State University on October 22nd, 2015 was co-sponsored by the Anarres Project for Alternative Futures, Corvallis, Center for Civic Engagement, the Student Sustainability Initiative, and the School of History, Philosophy, and Religion.
Watch the video here:  Organizing Against Climate Catastrophe Talk