New Issue of Perspectives from AK Press!
The new issue of Perspectives on Anarchist Theory is now available from AK Press.
Here’s what’s inside:
* Introduction, Lara Messersmith-Glavin
* Elsipogtog: River of Fire, Andréa Schmidt
* Theatre and the Art of Transgression, Tamara Lynne
* Octavia’s Brood: An Interview with Walidah Imarisha, Lara Messersmith-Glavin
* Liberating Linguistics, Alexander Reid Ross
* Do-It-Yourself Strategies for Revolutionary Study Groups, Mamos Rotnelli
* “Strict Discipline Combined with Social Equality”: Orwell on Leadership in the Spanish Militias, Kristian Williams
* Building Revolutionary Anarchism, Colin O’Malley
* The Heist of East 13th Street, Jackson Smith
* The Black Freedom Struggle: An Anarchist Perspective, Jonathan W. Hutto Sr.
* Refusing the Planetary Work Machine, Kevin Van Meter
* Insurgent Health, Javier Sethness-Castro
* The Violence of Bureaucracy, Dalel Benbabaali
* We All Have a Stake, We All Have Contributions to Make, Andrew Cornell