What is Anarchism?

IMG_1548Lara Messersmith-Glavin and Kristian Williams, of the Institute for Anarchist Studies and Perspectives on Anarchist Theory journal collective, and Ayme Ueda, of the Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra, recently appeared on X-RAY FM in Portland, Oregon. The show is called Group Therapy, hosted by Natalie Sept. This episode features an hour discussion of topics including what anarchism is, what anarchists want and do, anarchist critiques of the world, and challenges anarchists face. Listen in below!

  • Lara Messersmith-Glavin teaches Developmental Reading and Writing at Portland Community College.  She is also a mom, a performer, and is the author of a number of chapbooks and articles.  She co-edited Life During Wartime: Resisting Counterinsurgency with Kristian Williams and William Munger, and edited Walidah Imarisha’s Oregon Book Award-winning Angels with Dirty Faces: Three Stories of Crime, Prison, and Redemption.  She is a member of the Hella 503 collective, and serves on the board of the Institute for Anarchist Studies, as well as the Perspectives on Anarchist Theory editorial group.
  • Kristian Williams is the author of Our Enemies in Blue: Police and Power in America, American Methods: Torture and the Logic of Domination, and Between the Bullet and the Lie: Essays on Orwell.  He sits on the Board of the Institute for Anarchist Studies and helps to edit the journal Perspectives on Anarchist Theory.
  • Ayme Ueda is a member of Black Rose Anarchist Federation and has been involved with a number of tenant and worker’s rights struggles including Portland Solidarity Network, and workplace union organizing. She has also been on panels about sexual harassment in the workplace and the contemporary relevance of anarchism and it’s basic principles. Black Rose Anarchist Federation is the largest anarchist political organization in the US, founded in 2013, with over a dozen chapters and is active is tenant, labor and feminist struggles.

Listen to the interview here!


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