AK Press, with whom the Institute for Anarchist Studies (IAS) publishes books and publisher of a wide variety of critical writing spanning the gamut of leftist politics, has a fundraiser going for Pop Mob. Pop Mob – short for Popular Mobilization – is a Portland, Oregon based organization that is “united around a single, common goal: Inspire people to show up and resist the alt-right with whimsy and creativity.” Pop Mob are “activists and organizers from many groups, including labor rights, arts, education, healthcare, and more.” They have consistently been working with others in helping turn people out against authoritarian patriarchs, neo-fascists, and their enablers. (Check out Pop Mob on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/popmobpdx/
For every book on fascism and antifascism that you buy from AK Press through March 20th, they will donate $5 to Pop Mob. Included in the titles are books by Alexander Reid Ross, who has written for the IAS’ journal Perspectives, and Shane Burley, who has also written for Perspectives, and with whom the IAS is working on forthcoming books on fascism and antifascism.
Take a look at what AK is offering here: https://www.akpress.org/featured-products/featured-topic-popmob-benefit.html?product_list_limit=18