
Anarchist Interventions Series

Radical ideas can open up spaces for radical actions, by illuminating hierarchical power relations and drawing out possibilities for liberatory social transformations. The Anarchist Intervention series—a collaborative project between the IAS and AK Press—strives to contribute to the development of relevant, vital anarchist theory and analysis by intervening in contemporary discussions. Works in this series will look at twenty-first-century social conditions—including social structures and oppression, their historical trajectories, and new forms of domination, to name a few—as well as reveal opportunities for different tomorrows premised on horizontal, egalitarian forms of self-organization.

Given that anarchism has become the dominant tendency within revolutionary milieus and movements today, it is crucial that anarchists explore current phenomena, strategies, and visions in a much more rigorous, serious manner. Each title in this series, then, will feature a present-day anarchist voice, with the aim, over time, of publishing a variety of perspectives. The series’ multifaceted goals are to cultivate anarchist thought so as to better inform anarchist practice, encourage a culture of public intellectuals and constructive debate within anarchism, introduce new generations to anarchism, and offer insights into today’s world and potentialities for a freer society.

A percentage of the net sales from each title in the Anarchist Interventions series is donated to the IAS, thanks to the generosity of each author.

Current titles in the Anarchist Interventions series

Anarchism and Its Aspirations cover Oppose and Propose! cover Decolonizing Anarchism cover Imperiled Life cover Anarchists Against the Wall cover Undoing Border Imperialism cover Joyful Militancy cover Representing Radicals cover


Lexicon Pamphlet Series

Antumbra_IAS_Lexicon_intThe Lexicon pamphlet series, a project of the Institute for Anarchist Studies (IAS), aims to convert words into politically useful tools—for those already engaged in a politics from below as well as the newly approaching—by offering definitional understandings of commonly used keywords. Each Lexicon is a two-color pamphlet featuring one keyword or phrase, defined in about 2,000 words of text, and all pamphlets are available for free from the IAS, or can be downloaded here for printing and sharing. The first five pamphlets, designed by Josh MacPhee of Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative and printed by P&L Printing in Denver, are: “Power” by Todd May, “Colonialism” by Maia Ramnath, “Gender” by Jamie Heckert. “Anarchism” by Cindy Milstein, and “White Supremacy” by Joel Olson.




Browse the Lexicon Series

Anarchism   Colonialism   Gender   Power   White Supremacy


Other Books

IAS has also helped to publish a variety of other books in collaboration with some fantastic authors and our partners at AK Press. You can see some of these below!

Octavia's Brood cover Angels with Dirty Faces cover Guerillas of Desire cover Intersectional Class Struggle cover No Parasan cover Defying Displacement cover