Anarchist Agency & IAS: Ideas in Revolt! Grants for Radical Writers, Artists, and Creators

The Institute for Anarchist Studies is grateful to be partnering with Anarchist Agency – An Anarchist PR Project (Agency) for our current 2022-23 grants program!

For a quarter of a century, the IAS has funded creative work that furthers anarchist ideas and makes them accessible to a broad audience. This year, the IAS has joined forces with Agency to boost grant funding, specifically for multimedia-focused projects such as podcast, video production, and livestreams. Agency promotes contemporary anarchist perspectives through commentary, media relations, and educational campaigns.  Learn more about Agency, and the radical work they do, here.

We have a limited number of $500 – $2,000 grants available and would like to encourage anarchist creators with proposals for communicating anarchist ideas to apply.

We are particularly  interested in amplifying the voices of people who understand anarchist theory through lived experiences and embodied oppressions, as well as projects focused on practices and cultures of care as forms of resistance, and examples of successes and wins, past and present. People from historically and currently underrepresented backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply.

To apply, visit the grants page on our website, review the instructions, and apply online. Submissions will be accepted until February 28th, 2023. Applicants will be notified of decisions by June 30, 2023.  Questions?  Reach out to us at: